2019 BMW R1250GS Honest Review

2019 BMW R1250GS Honest Review

There are many ways to review motorcycles, and it is not that I don't like seeing footage of incredible driving skills, but most riders are not professionals, neither do they ride at a professional pace.

This brings the question, is it actually worth it to review a bike in any other way than like average riders will use it?

I don't think so, and especially when talking about this new 2019 BMW R1250GS.

Although the GS has a rich racing history, is nowadays used more and more as a commuter or road traveling bike, so that is what we should focus on.

On this review, I will cover everything I like, I didn't like, and that I would be able to get used to on this bike, from an average riders point of view.

If you are expecting to see impressive driving, jumps or skids, look elsewhere.

On this review, we will talk about rider's height, clutch feel, engine heat in traffic, low-speed handling, and other details that will speak more to day to day riders than professional stunts ever will.

Have a look, and share your experience as a user using this gentle giant!

2019 BMW R1250GS Honest Review

1 comentário

  • karen pheonix

    I enjoyed it a lot thanks.

    Wow, very interesting

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